Authorities confirm King Hussein Bridge will reopen on Monday


Published: 2024-09-09 00:58

Last Updated: 2024-09-09 01:04

Authorities confirm King Hussein Bridge will reopen on Monday
Authorities confirm King Hussein Bridge will reopen on Monday

The spokesperson for the Public Security Directorate (PSD) confirmed that the King Hussein Bridge will reopen for travelers on Monday at 10 AM, while remaining closed to cargo transport.

The spokesperson urged travelers to adhere to the scheduled timings and guidelines to save time and effort.

‘Israeli’ authorities had closed all crossings following the shooting at the Karama (Allenby) Crossing on the Palestinian side, which resulted in the death of three settlers and the martyrdom of the shooter, Jordanian national Maher Al-Jazi.

Earlier, the Ministry of Interior revealed initial findings from the investigation into the shooting incident, confirming that the shooter was Jordanian citizen Maher Diab Hussein Al-Jazi, from the Al-Husseiniya area in Ma’an Governorate. He had crossed the bridge driving a freight truck carrying commercial goods from Jordan to the West Bank.

The ministry stated that preliminary results indicate the act was carried out by a lone individual, and that investigations are ongoing to uncover all details.

Coordination between relevant authorities is underway to return the body of the shooter to Jordan for burial.

The Ministry of Interior also confirmed that all Jordanian drivers questioned after the incident have been released, and more than 100 trucks have since returned to Jordan in succession throughout the day.

Authorities are also monitoring the situation regarding the bridge closure.